What is the Bible About?

What is the Bible About?

What is the Bible About? It’s a bit challenging to tell what the Bible is about in a 700-word blog since the Bible itself has 783,137 words in the King James Version. But I’ll try. God’s interaction with mankind Let’s focus on God’s interaction with mankind. The Bible...
Who Wrote the Bible and When?

Who Wrote the Bible and When?

Who Wrote the Bible and When? We’ll get to the specifics of who wrote what and when below, but first, here’s an observation about one of the most amazing features of the Bible: it was written by more than forty authors over a period of 1600 years, and yet maintains...
How is the Bible Organized?

How is the Bible Organized?

How is the Bible Organized? The Bible is a very long book, really huge, and if you are a beginning reader, it can be quite intimidating.  Here is how it’s organized. The entire Bible is divided into 66 “books,” written by about 40 different authors over a...